Title | Author | Link |
Symmetry-mixed bound-state order | R. Willa |
Quantum critical scaling and holographic bound for transport coefficients near Lifshitz points | Gian Andrea Inkof, Joachim M.C. Küppers, Julia M. Link, Blaise Goutéraux, and Jörg Schmalian |
Vortex-lattice melting and paramagnetic depairing in the nematic superconductor FeSe | F. Hardy, L. Doussoulin, T. Klein, M. He, A. Demuer, R. Willa, K. Willa, A.-A. Haghighirad, T. Wolf, M. Merz, C. Meingast, and C. Marcenat |
Giant nonlocality in nearly compensated two-dimensional semimetals | S. Danz, M. Titov, and B. N. Narozhny |
Charge order and Mott insulating ground states in small-angle twisted bilayer graphene | Markus J. Klug |
Criticality across the energy spectrum from random artificial gravitational lensing in two-dimensional Dirac superconductors | Sayed Ali Akbar Ghorashi, Jonas F. Karcher, Seth M. Davis, and Matthew S. Foster |
Vortex phases and glassy dynamics in the highly anisotropic superconductor HgBa2CuO4+δ | S. Eley, R. Willa, M.K. Chan, E.D. Bauer, and L. Civale |
Z3-vestigial nematic order due to superconducting fluctuations in the doped topological insulators NbxBi2Se3 and CuxBi2Se3 | Chang-woo Cho, Junying Shen, Jian Lyu, Omargeldi Atanov, Qianxue Chen, Seng Huat Lee, Yew San Hor, Dariusz Jakub Gawryluk, Ekaterina Pomjakushina, Marek Bartkowiak, Matthias Hecker, Jörg Schmalian, and Rolf Lortz |
Slave-boson analysis of the two-dimensional Hubbard model | David Riegler, Michael Klett, Titus Neupert, Ronny Thomale, and Peter Wölfle |
Current noise geometrically generated by a driven magnet | Tim Ludwig, Igor S. Burmistrov, Yuval Gefen, and Alexander Shnirman |
Record thermopower found in an IrMn-based spintronic stack | Sa Tu, Timothy Ziman, Guoquiang Yu, Calhua Wan, Junfeng Hu, Hao Wu, Hanchen Wang, Mengchiao Liu, Chenyang Guo, Jianyu Zhang, Marco A. Cabero Z., Youguang Zhang, Peng Gao, Song Liu, Dapeng Yu, Xiufeng Han, Ingrid Hallsteinsen, Dustin A. Gilbert, Peter Wölfle, Kang L. Wang, Jean-Philippee Andermet, Sadamichi Maekawa, and Haiming Yu |
Mesoscopic Stoner Instability in Open Quantum Dots: Suppression of Coleman-Weinberg Mechanism by Electron Tunneling | I. S. Burmistrov, Y. Gefen, D. S. Shapiro, and A. Shnirman |
Nonlocal order parameters for states with topological electromagnetic response | Thomas Klein Kvorning, Christian Spånslätt, AtMa P. O. Chan, and Shinsei Ryu |
Spectrum-Wide Quantum Criticality at the Surface of Class AIII Topological Phases: An “Energy Stack” of Integer Quantum Hall Plateau Transitions | Björn Sbierski, Jonas F. Karcher, and Matthew S. Foster |
Topology and magnetism in the Kondo insulator phase diagram | Michael Klett, Seulgi Ok, David Riegler, Peter Wölfle, Ronny Thomale, and Titus Neupert |
Vorticity of viscous electronic flow in graphene | Sven Danz and Boris N. Narozhny |
Dissipation without resistance: Imaging impurities at quantum Hall edges | Gu Zhang, Igor V. Gornyi, and Alexander D. Mirlin |
Lightly doped SrTiO3: A challenge to conventional solid state theory | Peter Wölfle |
Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, February 2020, 03 |
Conductance plateaus and shot noise in fractional quantum Hall point contacts | Christian Spånslätt, Jinhong Park, Yuval Gefen, and Alexander D. Mirlin |
Thermal creep induced by cooling a vortex lattice | R. Willa, J.A. Galvis, J. Benito-Llorens, E. Herrera, I. Guillamon, and H. Suderow |
Title | Author | Advisor |
Majorana physics in braiding and transport | Stefan Backens | Prof. Dr. Alexander Shnirman |
Non-local hydrodynamic transport in dirac liquids | Egon Kiselev | Prof. Dr. Jörg Schmalian |
Fluctuations and nematicity in unconventional and topological superconductors | Matthias Hecker | Prof. Dr. Jörg Schmalian |
Dynamics and order in graphene-based systems | Markus Johannes Klug | Prof. Dr. Jörg Schmalian |
Title | Author | Advisor |
Superconductivity in Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Models | Daniel Hauck | Prof. Dr. Jörg Schmalian |
Many-Body Localization in the Self-Consistent Hartree-Fock Approximation | Paul Pöpperl | Prof. Dr. Alexander Mirlin |
Temperature dependence of the resistivity of strained Sr2RuO4 | Veronika Stangier | Prof. Dr. Jörg Schmalian |