The workshop Frontiers in Physics of Quantum Materials will be a platform showcasing groundbreaking research and recent advancements in this field both from an experimental and theoretical point of view. By bringing together leading experts and emerging scholars, the event will emphasize the profound scientific significance of quantum materials, which are at the heart of developing next-generation technologies and, at the same time, challenge our basic understanding of electron behavior in condensed matter.
23 - 27 June 2025
Registration & accommodation
Registration deadline is 31.03.2025.
There is no conference fee.
The booking of accommodation will be carried out by the organizers. Please tick the corresponding box in the registration form. The cost of accommodation for invited speakers will be covered from the workshop budget.
We expect that travel cost will be covered by the participants. Limited funds for supporting travel cost in special cases are available. Please indicate the need in the comment box of the registration form.
If you are not an invited speaker, you are very welcome to apply for participation by filling out the registration form. In view of limited capacity, please register as early as possible.
Scientific Meeting and Conference Center Gastdozentenhaus Karlsruhe
Organizing Committee
- Matthieu Le Tacon (KIT)
- Alexander Mirlin (KIT)
- Rafael Fernandes (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
- Markus Garst (KIT)
- Sonja König (TKM Secretary, KIT)
- Dorothea Trautmann (IQMT Secretary, KIT)
Contact address
Sonja König, email: sonja koenig∂kit edu
- Liliana Arrachea (Bariloche, Argentina)
- Leni Bascones (Madrid, Spain)
- Cristian Batista (Tennessee, USA)
- Erez Berg (Weizmann, Israel)
- Anna Böhmer (Bochum, Germany)
- Paul Canfield (Ames Lab, USA)
- Sam Carr (Kent University, UK)
- Premi Chandra (Rutgers, USA)
- Andrey Chubukov (Minnesota, USA)
- Laura Classen (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Piers Coleman (Rutgers, USA)
- Maxim Dzero (Kent State, USA)
- Ian Fisher (Stanford, USA)
- Elena Hassinger (Dresden, Germany)
- Steve Kivelson (Stanford, USA)
- Elio König (Madison, USA)
- Gabi Kotliar (Rutgers, USA)
- Alex Levchenko (Madison, USA)
- Andy Mackenzie (Dresden, Germany)
- Roderich Moessner (Dresden, Germany)
- Markus Müller (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
- Hilary Noad (Dresden, Germany)
- Peter Orth (Saarbrücken, Germany)
- Natalia Perkins (Minnesota, USA)
- Subir Sachdev (Harvard, USA)
- Mathias Scheurer (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Daniel Sheehy (Louisiana State, USA)
- Rastko Sknepnek (Dundee, UK)
- Sergey Syzranov (UC Santa Cruz, USA)
- Roser Valenti (Frankfurt, Germany)
- Matthias Vojta (Dresden, Germany)
- Thomas Vojta (Missouri, USA)
- Harry Westfahl Jr (Brazilian Synchrotron Natl Lab, Brazil)
- Roland Willa (Valais-Wallis, Switzerland)
- Peter Wölfle (Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Peter G. Wolynes (Rice University, USA)
- Wulf Wulfhekel (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Sunday, June 22 – arrival of participants
Monday, June 23, 08:00 – registration
Monday, June 23, 09:00 – start of the scientific program. The scientific program will consist of invited talks and poster sessions.
Friday, June 27, 15:45 – Physics Colloquium in honour of Jörg Schmalian's 60th birthday
Friday, June 27, 18:00 – end of the scientific program
Saturday, June 28 – departure of participants