Propagation of shear stress in strongly interacting metallic Fermi liquids enhances transmission of terahertz radiation |
D. Valentinis, J. Zaanen, and D. van der Marel |
Sci Rep 11, 7105 (2021) |
High-sensitivity heat-capacity measurements on Sr2RuO4 under uniaxial pressure |
You-Sheng Li, Naoki Kikugawa, Dmitry A. Sokolov, Fabian Jerzembeck, Alexandra S. Gibbs, Yoshiteru Maeno, Clifford W. Hicks, Jörg Schmalian, Michael Nicklas, and Andrew P. Mackenzie |
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 118, e2020492118 (2021) |
Weak-measurement-induced phases and dephasing: Broken symmetry of the geometric phase |
Kyrylo Snizhko, Nihal Rao, Parveen Kumar, and Yuval Gefen |
PhysRevResearch.3.043045 |
Many-body localization in the interpolating Aubry-André-Fibonacci model |
Antonio Štrkalj, Elmer V. H. Doggen, Igor V. Gornyi, and Oded Zilberberg |
PhysRevResearch.3.033257 |
Quantum discontinuity fixed point and renormalization group flow of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model |
Roman Louis Smit, Davide Valentinis, Jörg Schmalian, and Peter Kopietz |
PhysRevResearch.3.033089 |
Optical signatures of shear collective modes in strongly interacting Fermi liquids |
D. Valentinis |
PhysRevResearch.3.023076 |
Nonequilibrium quantum critical steady state: Transport through a dissipative resonant level |
Gu Zhang, Chung-Hou Chung, Chung-Ting Ke, Chao-Yun Lin, Henok Mebrahtu, Alex I. Smirnov, Gleb Finkelstein, and Harold U. Baranger |
PhysRevResearch.3.013136 |
Emergent Continuous Symmetry in Anisotropic Flexible Two-Dimensional Materials |
I. S. Burmistrov, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, M. J. Klug, and J. Schmalian |
PhysRevLett.128.096101 |
Weak-Measurement-Induced Asymmetric Dephasing: Manifestation of Intrinsic Measurement Chirality |
Kyrylo Snizhko, Parveen Kumar, Nihal Rao, and Yuval Gefen |
PhysRevLett.127.170401 |
Anomalous Hydrodynamics in a One-Dimensional Electronic Fluid |
I. V. Protopopov, R. Samanta, A. D. Mirlin, and D. B. Gutman |
PhysRevLett.126.256801 |
Vanishing Thermal Equilibration for Hole-Conjugate Fractional Quantum Hall States in Graphene |
Saurabh Kumar Srivastav, Ravi Kumar, Christian Spånslätt, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, Alexander D. Mirlin, Yuval Gefen, and Anindya Das |
PhysRevLett.126.216803 |
Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in UTe2 |
Di S. Wei, David Saykin, Oliver Y. Miller, Sheng Ran, Shanta R. Saha, Daniel F. Agterberg, Jörg Schmalian, Nicholas P. Butch, Johnpierre Paglione, and Aharon Kapitulnik |
PhysRevB.105.024521 |
Resistance of two-dimensional superconducting films |
E. J. König, I. V. Protopopov, A. Levchenko, I. V. Gornyi, and A. D. Mirlin |
PhysRevB.104.L100507 |
Suppression of ballistic helical transport by isotropic dynamical magnetic impurities |
Oleg M. Yevtushenko and Vladimir I. Yudson |
PhysRevB.104.195414 |
Tunable Anderson localization of dark states |
Jan David Brehm, Paul Pöpperl, Alexander D. Mirlin, Alexander Shnirman, Alexander Stehli, Hannes Rotzinger, and Alexey V. Ustinov |
PhysRevB.104.174202 |
Conductance of a dissipative quantum dot: Nonequilibrium crossover near a non-Fermi-liquid quantum critical point |
Gu Zhang, E. Novais, and Harold U. Baranger |
PhysRevB.104.165423 |
Edwards-Anderson parameter and local Ising nematicity in FeSe revealed via NMR spectral broadening |
Paul Wiecki, Rui Zhou, Marc-Henri Julien, Anna E. Böhmer, and Jörg Schmalian |
PhysRevB.104.125134 |
Strong magnetoresistance in a graphene Corbino disk at low magnetic fields |
Masahiro Kamada, Vanessa Gall, Jayanta Sarkar, Manohar Kumar, Antti Laitinen, Igor Gornyi, and Pertti Hakonen |
PhysRevB.104.115432 |
Contacts, equilibration, and interactions in fractional quantum Hall edge transport |
C. Spånslätt, Yuval Gefen, I. V. Gornyi, and D. G. Polyakov |
PhysRevB.104.115416 |
Anti-Poiseuille flow in neutral graphene |
B. N. Narozhny, I. V. Gornyi, and M. Titov |
PhysRevB.104.075443 |
Heating of inhomogeneous electron flow in the hydrodynamic regime |
Gu Zhang, Valentin Kachorovskii, Konstantin Tikhonov, and Igor Gornyi |
PhysRevB.104.075417 |
Fracton-elasticity duality in twisted moiré superlattices |
Jonas Gaa, Grgur Palle, Rafael M. Fernandes, and Jörg Schmalian |
PhysRevB.104.064109 |
Theory of record thermopower near a finite temperature magnetic phase transition in IrMn |
Peter Wölfle and Timothy Ziman |
PhysRevB.104.054441 |
Microwave response of a chiral Majorana interferometer |
Dmitriy S. Shapiro, Alexander D. Mirlin, and Alexander Shnirman |
PhysRevB.104.035434 |
Inhomogeneous time-reversal symmetry breaking in Sr2RuO4 |
Roland Willa, Matthias Hecker, Rafael M. Fernandes, and Jörg Schmalian |
PhysRevB.104.024511 |
Stark many-body localization: Evidence for Hilbert-space shattering |
Elmer V. H. Doggen, Igor V. Gornyi, and Dmitry G. Polyakov |
PhysRevB.103.L100202 |
Acoustic properties of metallic glasses at low temperatures: Tunneling systems and their dephasing |
Arnold Meißner, Tim Voigtländer, Saskia M. Meißner, Uta Kühn, Susanne Schneider, Alexander Shnirman, and Georg Weiss |
PhysRevB.103.224209 |
Exactly solvable spin-1/2 XYZ models with highly degenerate partially ordered ground states |
Grgur Palle and Owen Benton |
PhysRevB.103.214428 |
Quantum kinetics of the magnetophotogalvanic effect |
Dieter Hornung and Ralph von Baltz |
PhysRevB.103.195203 |
Breakdown of charge homogeneity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model: Slave-boson study of magnetic order |
Jannis Seufert, David Riegler, Michael Klett, Ronny Thomale, and Peter Wölfle |
PhysRevB.103.165117 |
Current-phase relation in a topological Josephson junction: Andreev bands versus scattering states |
Stefan Backens and Alexander Shnirman |
PhysRevB.103.115423 |
Hydrodynamic collective modes in graphene |
B. N. Narozhny, I. V. Gornyi, and M. Titov |
PhysRevB.103.115402 |
Eigenstate correlations around the many-body localization transition |
K. S. Tikhonov and A. D. Mirlin |
PhysRevB.103.064204 |
Polaronic effect of a metal layer on variable range hopping |
Ofek Asban, Alexander Burin, Alexander Shnirman, and Moshe Schechter |
PhysRevB.103.045129 |
Stabilization of Qubit Relaxation Rates by Frequency Modulation |
Shlomi Matityahu, Alexander Shnirman, and Moshe Schechter |
PhysRevApplied.16.044036 |
Near-unit efficiency of chiral state conversion via hybrid-Liouvillian dynamics |
Parveen Kumar, Kyrylo Snizhko, and Yuval Gefen |
PhysRevA.104.L050405 |
Challenges and transformative opportunities in superconductor vortex physics |
Serena Eley, Andreas Glatz, and Roland Willa |
Journal of Applied Physics 130, 050901 (2021) |
Physical limitations of the Hohenberg–Mermin–Wagner theorem |
Grgur Palle and D K Sunko |
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54 315001 (2021) |
Hydrodynamic Approach to Electronic Transport in Graphene: Energy Relaxation |
B. N. Narozhny and I. V. Gornyi |
Front. Phys. 9:640649 (2021) |
Generalized multifractality at spin quantum Hall transition |
Jonas F. Karcher, Noah Charles, Ilya A. Gruzberg, and Alexander D. Mirlin |
Annals of Physics, 435, 168584 (2021) |
From Anderson localization on random regular graphs to many-body localization |
K. S. Tikhonov and A. D. Mirlin |
Annals of Physics 435, 168525 (2021) |
Dynamics of many-body delocalization in the time-dependent Hartree–Fock approximation |
Paul Pöpperl, Elmer V. H. Doggen, Jonas F. Karcher, Alexander D. Mirlin, and Konstantin S. Tikhonov |
Annals of Physics 435, 168468 (2021) |
Many-body localization in large systems: Matrix-product-state approach |
Elmer V. H. Doggen, Igor V. Gornyi, Alexander D. Mirlin, Dmitry G. Polyakov |
Ann. Phys. 435, 168437 (2021) |
Improved Electrical, Thermal, and Thermoelectric Properties Through Sample-to-Sample Fluctuations in Near-Percolation Threshold Composite Materials |
Andres Georg Rösch, Fabian Giunta, Md. Mofasser Mallick, Leonard Franke, André Gall, Jasmin Aghassi-Hagmann, Jörg Schmalian, and Uli Lemmer |
Adv. Theory Simul., 4: 2000284 |
Fused-Silica 3D Chiral Metamaterials via Helium-Assisted Microcasting Supporting Topologically Protected Twist Edge Resonances with High Mechanical Quality Factors |
Julian Köpfler, Tobias Frenzel, Jörg Schmalian, Martin Wegener |
Adv. Mater. 2021, 33, 2103205 |
Designing high-performance superconductors with nanoparticle inclusions: Comparisons to strong pinning theory |
Sarah C. Jones, Masashi Miura, Ryuji Yoshida, Takeharu Kato, Leonardo Civale, Roland Willa, and Serena Eley |
APL Materials 9, 091105 (2021) |
Multifractally-enhanced superconductivity in thin films |
I. S. Burmistrov, I. V. Gornyi, and A. D. Mirlin |
, Annals of Physics 435, 168499 (2021) |
How spectrum-wide quantum criticality protects surface states of topological superconductors from Anderson localization: Quantum Hall plateau transitions (almost) all the way down |
Jonas F. Karcher and Matthew S. Foster |
, Annals of Physics 435, 168439 (2021) |