Jörg Schmalian
- professor
- Office Hours: Prüfungstermine
- Room: 1003.1
CS 30.23 - Phone: +49 721 608-43590
- joerg schmalian ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Wolfgang Gaede Str.
76131 1
CV and Publications
Jörg Schmalian received his doctoral degree in 1993 at the Freie University in Berlin. He has contributed more than 230 scholarly articles to the peer reviewed literature and given more than 350 invited talks at international conferences. At the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) he is the head of the Institute for Theory of Condensed Matter (TKM). His research group at TKM works on strongly correlated electron systems and complex quantum matter. He also heads the division Theory of Quantum Materials at the Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies (IQMT) at KIT. Prior to moving to Karlsruhe in 2011, Dr. Schmalian was a full professor at Iowa State University and Senior Scientists at the Department of Energy Ames Laboratory. Schmalian serves on a number of international advisory boards, has co-organized numerous international conferences, workshops and summer schools, and has been honored by several awards, including a fellowship from the American Physical Society, the 2022 John Bardeen Prize for superconductivity theory, the 2023 Physics-Award Dresden, and teaching awards at Iowa State Univ. and KIT. He is a member of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences.
List of Publications on Google Scholar
His research interest is the investigation of strongly correlated quantum mechanical many body systems. He and his research team develop theories for quantum materials with novel electric, optic, or magnetic properties. With his collaborators he predicted the recently observed electron hydrodynamics in graphene and advanced the theory of nematic order and fluctuations in iron-based materials. Using quantum field theoretical approaches to statistical mechanics and many-body theory, he works on phenomena such as unconventional superconductivity, superconductivity without quasiparticles, quantum phase transitions, hydrodynamic transport, nano-electronics, magnetism, disordered systems and non-equilibrium dynamics.
For a research statement see here.